13. 12. 2010 – Tequila



  1. I’m going outside with a broken wiper and a bottle of cheap tequila
  2. I wished, s.o. would ask me what the hell i have in mind with these
  3. I could say, i’m going to a joust
  4. Hey! – Hey!
  5. What do you have in mind with the tequila? – (a miracle!) – It’s for the car, to defrost the windshield. A pity you didn’t ask a moment ago..
  6. i was also carrying a broken wiper then. I already made something up to say, in case s.o. asks – What did you make up? – (It was the right decision, to choose him..)




11. 12. 2010 – Tüten



  1. There are at least three colours: Green, blue and orange
  2. They are very good to pull over lamps! Colourful light!
  3. Actually things should not be named after their main users.. that’S discriminating
  4. But it is so explicit! – I got you a turk-grocery-bag! For your lamp! – You will immediately know what is meant!
